Word Power

By Kat Silverglate, Mission Founder (Copyright 2022)

She was the founder of a faith-based middle school. I can’t remember what I was doing there that day, but I do remember one boy. By comparison to the other students, he was smaller… slighter; a fact which didn’t register until the headmaster started to pray.

“OK kids, let’s get started!” Rushing to a spot on the floor in front of her, they collapsed in a comfortable grouping and closed their eyes. Some opened their hands on their laps as if they expected a surprise to land there. I knew her well but not in this context. Heard her pray many times, but not with these children. Watched others respond as she ministered, but not this way.

One by one she spoke the most detailed, intimate, tender mercies over these kids. Like a mom who knows her kiddos better than they know themselves, she gave voice to their hopes and struggles alike. She knew them well. As she moved from one student to the next, I found myself agreeing under my breath, longing for them to receive what she asked.

When she came to the small boy, there was a shift; or perhaps it just seemed that way because I couldn’t help opening my eyes at this point. The change in this child from the start of the prayer to the finish was palpable. I do wish I remembered the specifics. I don’t, not even his name. The best I can do now is to give you a made-up-for-purposes-of-this-story name and the tenor of her language.

Now Lord, Sean. While he may be small in physical stature, he is mighty in Spirit! Your Spirit dwells within him and shines so beautifully through him. He leaves the lasting fragrance of integrity wherever he goes. He is a truth teller. His friends trust him because he has been found worthy of trust. He can be bold and confident as he grows in and with You because You alone are his judge and you’ve judged him with mercy. He can leave his insecurities with You because You didn’t make him for a spirit of fear, You made him for a Spirit of power and of love and of self-control. Thank you for continuing to shine on and in him today and always. Amen.

Like an anemic patient during an iron infusion or a withered plant drenched in liquid fertilizer, his posture went from a huddled frame to a radiant vibrant stalk stretching heavenward, alight with hope and life. If it’s possible for a proverb to show up and show off in a full-color real-time living display, it was happening in this room.   

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Proverbs 18:21

Her choice to speak life that way resulted in the most delicious fruit fest, not just for her but for us.

While we hear “uplifting” or “positive” or “inspiring” words all the time, these were different. She was addressing his genuine struggle (insecurity over being small in stature) with God’s words and promises (1 Sam 16:7 - people look at outward appearances, but the LORD looks at the heart and 2 Tim 1:7 – God’s Spirit doesn’t make us timid; it gives us power, love and self-control). She was speaking the life-giver’s Word over him. She was speaking life. Her words had power.

The first time I heard this proverb, my head went up and down like a bobble doll on a car dashboard. Who hasn’t been buoyed up by the resuscitative power of gracious speech, appropriate encouragement, a heartfelt apology, a blessing, gratitude, wisdom, and truth (especially hard truth) spoken with right motives and deep love? We have known the power of life in a tiny tongue. Who hasn’t been reduced by shame, gossip, lies, careless or empty words, rash or angry outbursts, passive-aggressive speech, hate, even flattery? We’ve known the power of destruction in a tiny tongue. Who hasn’t eaten the delicious fruit of our own choice for life-giving words and the bitter fruit of our choice for life-sapping speech? We all have.

Think of the power the Lord has given to our words? Life and death sound pretty darn weighty, don’t they? If we pause long enough to let the enormity of it sink in, it’s both humbling and exciting at the same time. The power of life in my mouth? All the time? Wherever I go? Whomever I meet?  What a gift you have given us Lord. What a treasure we have to share! Not just words that build up, but You -- the Word made flesh.

Our mission this month is the first in a two-part series on speech. In your pack, you’ll find six things -- three flags and three stickers.

Yellow Flag: First, find the “Use First” sticker and put it on the yellow flag. We plan to use caution in our speech this month. To remember to go slow so we can choose life-giving words when we have an opportunity to speak. Put this flag in a visible place. Somewhere you will see it each morning: by your bed, where you brush your teeth, on the dashboard of your car, where you have your coffee/tea.  When you see it, think: I will be slow to speak today. Perhaps write a prayer on the flag: “Lord, raise a flag in my heart before I speak today -- to others and to myself! Fill me with life giving words. Amen.” Make it your own. The idea is to give you something that will be a reliable daily reminder of your 31 day mission.

Red Flag: Find the blue “Muzzle” sticker and place it on the red flag. God graciously warns us against certain types of speech: Gossip, deceit, flattery, obscenity, belittling, arrogance, harsh words, careless words, etc. These words won’t bring life. They will sap it from those around you. They are words that we can muzzle without debate. Psalm 141:3 is a great prayer for this category of speech: Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!”

Green Flag: Finally, find the “Celebrating” sticker with the night moon on it. Place it on the green flag. Each evening in July, before the sun goes down, we plan to celebrate the life-giving speech of the day. Don’t let the sun go down on your unspoken life-giving words. Make that call. Send that text.  Do the same for those spoken life-zapping words. Will you let the sun go down on them? Will you do what you need to do to go to bed with life on your lips and peace in your heart?

Speak life!   


Images in our graphic this month are from unsplash.com: Brett Jordan (letters); Elise Coates (neon); Girl with Red Hat (flags); Oleg Laptev (megaphone on envelope) Andrew Neel [white flag on written mission piece].

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