Inspiring Lives Ridiculously Responsive to the Promptings of God
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The Ridiculous What?
The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable Christian mission that exists to inspire lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. In a world where we are bombarded with dings and beeps and alarms and expectations that send us in countless, and often conflicting directions, we create opportunities for people to explore a life of deeper purpose and meaning -- a life that rethinks and reorders responsiveness to God.

To create a worldwide community where ridiculous responsiveness to God results in practical acts of service.
Learn MoreThe only way to stop responding to everything is to fight for the space to explore a life ridiculously responsive to God!
What We Do
Each month, we create Mobile Mission Packs with true stories, simple principles and wildly creative activities that point us to a posture of daily responsiveness. Click on any of our past missions and request a Mission Pack or simply opt to receive them in your mailbox as they release. Click here: Free Packs in the Mail. Prefer Digital? Click here: Free Digital Packs. You'll get an audible version [a monthly podcast episode] of the mission with added content in an email without our signature equipping pieces. We've designed these two options to work together, so BOTH is the best way to go [regular mail and ONE monthly email]. Our life with the Lord is not meant to be full of drudgery. Responsiveness brings joy. Won't you join us?
Ridiculous Hour Talks
Our Founder, Kat Silverglate, has been speaking publicly most of her adult life, first as a lawyer and professionalism advocate, then a ministry leader and retreat coordinator, and now a seminary graduate and mission founder. Ridiculous Hour Talks are designed for groups that want to explore ridiculously responsive living. Our signature talk introduces the concept of responsive living in a wildly creative way!
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God is speaking all the time. The question is, are we listening?
Responsiveness begins with being ridiculously alert.
Ridiculous Happenings
We Have a BIG birthday coming up:
Our nonprofit turns FIVE in March of 2025!!!! Watch your mail for details on how we plan to celebrate. It's ridiculous.
Ridiculous Talks: Looks like we'll be heading to Boca Raton on Mother's Day to preach about ridiculous responsiveness. Check back for details.
Counter Celebration: This month our total mission pack counter rolled past 52,000. We count family packs by individual and we count digital-only subscribers per subscriber. We are over the moon with gratitude to all who have participated since our grass roots beginning a few years ago. We have seen the answer to our prayers through your participation.
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There's so much to do and receive. Get ridiculous with us by filling out the form below. Choose as many or as little alerts as you like and opt-out anytime.
Listen, Learn, and Respond
We do two things in our podcasts. First, we release our Mobile Monthly Mission stories and activities in an audio format that allows listeners to simply hear what's going on this month. Be still. Pray about it. See what God does with the message. Second, we give periodic mid-mission updates. Sometimes they are stories of your experiences. Sometimes they are added content. Sometimes, they are prayers and encouragement for all who are participating. The best way to learn more is to subscribe!