Live Ridiculously Responsive to the Promptings of God

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Monthly, the Foundation releases mission packs that challenge recipients to grow in practical responsiveness to the promptings of God. In this podcast, Founder Kat Silverglate brings each mission challenge to life through story, expanded content, prayer and ridiculous encouragement. Won't you join us as we grow toward ridiculous responsiveness?

All Episodes

Each of our podcast episodes coincides directly with a Monthly Mobile Mission. Here you can listen at your own pace your own way. To view them all, simply scroll down in the section below. Who knows what kind of ridiculous promptings you may hear along the way!

Episode 58: Wash
Episode 58: Wash
If anybody asked us whether our lives had a central theme, we'd probably bumble and stumble and waffle and throw i...
October 02, 2024
Episode 57: Feather Weight
Episode 57: Feather Weight
Conflict is weighty. Unresolved conflict after genuine attempts at reconciliation can be downright heavy. Our sto...
September 01, 2024
Episode 56: Moved
Episode 56: Moved
Does anybody love moving? Sure, we may love where we are going, like change or love that we are leaving something ...
August 01, 2024
Episode 55: Partly Cloudy With a Chance of...
Episode 55: Partly Cloudy With a Chance...
For most of us, receiving help is harder than giving it. Particularly when we don't know someone very well. We...
July 01, 2024
Episode 54: Don't Forget to Remember
Episode 54: Don't Forget to Remember
In her book Compelled by Love, Heidi Baker, a missionary in Mozambique, describes a condition we may all have. Or ...
June 01, 2024
Episode 53: Blah Blah Blah
Episode 53: Blah Blah Blah
Imposter syndrome plagues writers. No matter how many times you try to talk them off the ledge or give them a pep ...
May 01, 2024
Episode 52: Thunk Thunk Thunk
Episode 52: Thunk Thunk Thunk
The racetrack ride at Disney – The Speedway to Tomorrowland – is shockingly real to a kid. Bright popping colo...
April 02, 2024
Episode 51: Do-Over
Episode 51: Do-Over
Ever ironed a crease in the wrong spot in a garment? Once that crease gets set and cool, it's pretty challengi...
March 01, 2024
Episode 50: I Signed Up for This
Episode 50: I Signed Up for This
We've all said it. Under our breath. In our heads. On our knees. To a trusted friend in whispered tones. &quot...
January 31, 2024
Episode 49: Boxing
Episode 49: Boxing
Some say when we pray for patience, God allows challenges and tests. How else would one know the presence of patie...
December 27, 2023
Episode 48: Pocket Confetti
Episode 48: Pocket Confetti
Have you seen that viral social media post with the eight-year-old in the car with Mom?8YO: “Do you want me to...
December 02, 2023
Episode 47: Feast Mode
Episode 47: Feast Mode
When we are invited to a dinner with fancy napkins, we know there's something more than food being served. We ...
October 21, 2023
Episode 46: Lights Up, So That...
Episode 46: Lights Up, So That...
Our story this month begins with a five-time Emmy winning sports producer who moves from a big city to Boise Idaho...
October 01, 2023
Episode 45: Salt & ...
Episode 45: Salt & ...
You ARE (fill in the blank) is very different than you MUST BE something. Or you HAVE something. Think about these...
September 01, 2023
Episode 44: Mid-Life: Reinforcing Holes
Episode 44: Mid-Life: Reinforcing Holes
The phrase mid-life is curious, isn't it? Especially when we have no way of knowing where the middle will be. ...
August 02, 2023
Episode 43: Old Love New Love
Episode 43: Old Love New Love
There is a truth that would make most of us viscerally nod our heads up and down -- a phrase that tugs our heart s...
June 29, 2023
Episode 42: Still with the IF in LifE
Episode 42: Still with the IF in LifE
We are so fond of the phrase "life is a gift," and it is; but, the middle letters in both these words, l...
June 01, 2023
Episode 41: Tested Hope
Episode 41: Tested Hope
What is hope before it's tested? It's a funny question, isn't it? I mean, we know transformation happe...
May 01, 2023
Episode 40: Active Waiting
Episode 40: Active Waiting
Waiting sounds like such a passive thing, doesn't it? The act of waiting. You let time pass until the wait is ...
April 01, 2023
Episode 39: Nothing Wasted With God
Episode 39: Nothing Wasted With God
I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm too inexperienced. I'm too poor. I don't have any talents. I'm too tired. I'm too ...
March 01, 2023
Episode 38: Texture
Episode 38: Texture
In 1964 a father penned a bedtime story for his sons called Flat Stanley. In it, Stanley is flattened by a falling...
February 01, 2023
Episode 37: Counting Detours
Episode 37: Counting Detours
We buy planners this time of year. Preprinted commercial books that give space for yearly goals, monthly calendars...
January 01, 2023
Episode 36: More!
Episode 36: More!
Our mission story this month starts with a little girl who communicates through sign language a desperate desire f...
November 29, 2022
Episode 35: Team Lift
Episode 35: Team Lift
Have you ever seen a team lift? A group of people reaching the least, the lost and the lonely TOGETHER! It's beaut...
October 31, 2022
Episode 34: Do Not Stack
Episode 34: Do Not Stack
Do you give your trust to God in difficult circumstances and then find yourself fretting, worrying, and spinning? ...
October 01, 2022
Episode 33: God Size
Episode 33: God Size
Are you a resizer? You feel a nudge, a poke, a prompt a call from the Lord and immediately decide it's the wrong s...
September 01, 2022
Episode 32: Do Not Separate
Episode 32: Do Not Separate
Ever notice how some truths seem to go together? Stating one without the counterpart leaves you wanting to complet...
July 30, 2022
Episode 31: Word Power
Episode 31: Word Power
Ever had to eat your words? Tasted the bitter fruit of words spoken a little too quickly? Rashly? Carelessly? We a...
July 01, 2022
Episode 30: Orchid [with ridiculous emphasis on the last three letters... HID]
Episode 30: Orchid [with ridiculous emp...
Our story this month begins with a spectacular gift that accidentally ended up on the trash heap and ends with a t...
June 03, 2022
Episode 29: Love is a Tuesday
Episode 29: Love is a Tuesday
We live in a world that celebrates very visible things. Someone gets an award. Earns a degree. Delivers a speech. ...
May 03, 2022
Episode 28: Small Moves Big Faith
Episode 28: Small Moves Big Faith
We live in a world obsessed with BIG. Big outcomes. Big following. Big titles. Big results. Big names. Big awards....
April 11, 2022
Episode 27: Claim Check
Episode 27: Claim Check
We walk the same paths around our postage stamp dwellings -- over and over again. The hallway. The bathroom. The k...
March 03, 2022
Episode 26: The Boundary Protection Program
Episode 26: The Boundary Protection Pro...
I've always associated boundary tape with controversy. Those little neon strips of plastic tied to twigs on trees ...
February 01, 2022
Episode 25 What's Your Prefix
Episode 25 What's Your Prefix
The new year is exciting, especially when we've crushed our goals from the prior year. But what about those years ...
January 04, 2022
Episode 24: Here We Grow Again
Episode 24: Here We Grow Again
I don't know about you, but when I imagine a Gallery Artist in Residence, I think of someone who is so elevated in...
December 06, 2021
Episode 23: BTW -- by the way
Episode 23: BTW -- by the way
LOL, ILY, TTYL, BTW -- we type these little phrases now without wondering whether the person on the other end of t...
November 04, 2021
Episode 22: Life Under the Wing
Episode 22: Life Under the Wing
Do you have a place you go to keep from going stir crazy? A place where you feel covered and protected? Like your ...
October 04, 2021
Episode 21: Fragile -- Handle with Care
Episode 21: Fragile -- Handle with Care
Fragile seems synonymous with weak, doesn't it? Like a decidedly negative attribute. But think about really good g...
September 09, 2021
Episode 20: The Stranger Prayer Project
Episode 20: The Stranger Prayer Project
Ever prayed for a stranger? Ever had strangers pray for you? Don't you wonder sometimes if your prayers are heard?...
August 01, 2021
Episode 19: The Time is Now
Episode 19: The Time is Now
Sometimes we have a moment where God's presence is simply undeniable. In the retelling, it seems... well, made up....
June 30, 2021
Episode 18: Remarkable
Episode 18: Remarkable
We are a people who mark! Humans tend to mark things. We mark birthdays and anniversaries and dates of death. But ...
June 22, 2021
Episode 17: Breaking the Ice
Episode 17: Breaking the Ice
Ice breakers can be mortifying to the extroverts out there. Forced connection in a quasi public setting challenges...
June 22, 2021
Episode 16: From Soft Hearts to Hard Feet
Episode 16: From Soft Hearts to Hard Fe...
God tells us that He takes our heart of stone and makes a heart of flesh. He gives us soft hearts, sensitive to hi...
June 21, 2021
Episode 15: Go Gloved, Go Loved
Episode 15: Go Gloved, Go Loved
Praise and compliments are tricky things, aren't they? People want to appreciate us for what we do or how we contr...
June 21, 2021
Episode 14: Whatever is Just
Episode 14: Whatever is Just
We hear the word "just" and a number of synonyms come to mind. Fair. Equitable. Equal. Level. But there are other ...
June 21, 2021
Episode 13: How to Set the Tone
Episode 13: How to Set the Tone
How will we set the tone for 2021? Better yet, who will set our personal tone for the year? What power do we have ...
June 21, 2021
Episode 12: Dare to Share Some Fruit
Episode 12: Dare to Share Some Fruit
We come to the end of a calendar year and we are already on to our new goals. "What's next," we ask? "What didn't ...
June 21, 2021
Episode 11: Let's Be Ridiculous Together
Episode 11: Let's Be Ridiculous Togethe...
As we approach Thanksgiving, we presume that mission organizations world wide will provide hope to the hopeless wi...
June 21, 2021
Episode 10: Don't Just Let it Fall!
Episode 10: Don't Just Let it Fall!
Fall reminds us with its dramatic leaves that we will be shedding our whole lives. Trees shed dead stuff, but peop...
June 21, 2021
Episode 9: I'll Take You There
Episode 9: I'll Take You There
When we are babies, we cry out and someone picks us up and takes us to the source of the solution. They take us to...
June 20, 2021
Episode 8: Disrupting Division
Episode 8: Disrupting Division
Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's Report on Reaching Ac...
June 20, 2021
Episode 7: Checked Out For You
Episode 7: Checked Out For You
God is often prompting us to respond in subtle ways.  We hear a sermon, and a friend pops in our mind. "She's...
June 20, 2021
Episode 6: Reaching Across A Divide
Episode 6: Reaching Across A Divide
We are in the middle of unspeakable divide. Election divide. Racial divide. Divide divide divide. Often we don't r...
June 20, 2021
Episode 5: The Masked Mission Report
Episode 5: The Masked Mission Report
When we become ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God and we trust that it isn't all up to us, we start ...
June 20, 2021
Episode 4: I Make Masks, What's YOUR Superpower?
Episode 4: I Make Masks, What's YOUR Su...
So often when God prompts us to respond, we look at our own limitations or lack and we think -- "He must be tappin...
June 20, 2021
Episode 3: Make Room at the Table
Episode 3: Make Room at the Table
God tells us there is room at the table. Come to the table, He generously offers. It's an astounding invitation, i...
June 20, 2021
Episode 2: Farmers Have Seeds
Episode 2: Farmers Have Seeds
How often do we feel a prompt or a nudge from the Lord to help someone, but we ignore it because we don't have the...
June 20, 2021
Episode 1: Respond to the Nudge
Episode 1: Respond to the Nudge
With the constant dings and buzzes and prompts that demand our attention, how on earth do we begin to prioritize t...
June 20, 2021

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