Life under the Wing

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation October 2021 Mobile Monthly Mission

© 2021 Kat Silverglate, Founder

Traveling again post-lock down has been so very different. Not just the things you’d imagine like protocols at airports and care to keep others safe. We expected that. What we didn’t expect was this intense awareness of the presence of others. Not just their literal presence, but the urge to acknowledge how much we’ve missed this. How much we’ve taken the miracle of “with-you” for granted. After our first day of travel, we arrived at the hotel tired and starving. We wanted a “real” meal but the dining room and room service were closed due to COVID. Eventually, I, my husband, and two friends found an open living room type area by the bar and ordered pub food. Slowly others at the same convention with the same dilemma wandered by and pulled up socially distanced chairs. “So, what have you done during COVID to keep from going stir crazy?” I asked the stranger to my left.“I search for small out-of-the-way airports and fly my tiny plane there and set up a work table under the wing,” he responded. He was a lawyer.  We were at a legal conference. He practiced law under a wing.“Life under the wing,” I said viscerally. 

Life under the wing sounded like the title of an article, a book, a life theology maybe? Judging from his quizzical nod, he didn’t know what I meant by it. Actually, I’m not sure I did either, other than a faint inkling that his story had some parallel to our tendency to take the presence of the Lord for granted. To become nonchalant about the refuge we have under the wing of the Almighty. 

He lit up with joy as he explained his routine, the app he used to find these remote locations, how much his perspective had changed through deliberate joy rides to find the perfect spot to spend a day covered by the wing of his plane.  

My mind was absolutely racing with questions and ideas.

This is what finally bubbled up as the encounter kept sneaking around my brain like a visitor that demanded attention. The Psalmist announces our life under the wing of God with a delight akin to that of the lit up stranger on my left. 

“He will cover you with His feathers

  and under His wings you will find refuge…

                                                                Psalm 91:4

If Psalm 91:4 had a banner attached the tail of its plane, it would most certainly read LIFE UNDER THE WING!

What if we treated our life under God’s wing that way? What if we were THAT deliberate about placing

ourselves there daily? What if it was an all out joy ride to find a spot where our souls would rest in Him

as we worked under His wing. What if we planned it?  Made it an adventure? A devotional by the lake?

A morning walk with a friend sharing our need for refuge? Writing at the beach while waves crash and birds sing their witness to His glory? Rekindling our intense awareness of His constant presence!    

Which brings us to our mobile mission this month.

In your mission pack you have a feather bookmark by Momoka. We’ve added Psalm 91:4 to the back. You can buy these on Amazon in sets of 30 and write the verse on the back if you’d like to invite others to do the mission with you.

For the next 30 days, we invite you to discover unique ways to deliberately find yourself under His wing. Use the bookmark as a reminder of His promise. Use it to mark the journal where you keep your list of with-Him adventures. Use it to rethink your response to His constant presence. Use it to spur you on.

We can’t wait to hear about your “life under the wing” adventures. You can share them with us at [email protected].

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