Here we Grow Again

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation December 2021 Mobile Mission

By Founder, Kat Silverglate ©2021

He was the “artist in residence” at a resort in the Palm Desert area of California. For anyone with an artistic love, the title conjures visions of one who has reached such a level of recognized proficiency that his or her steady presence at a destination becomes a homing device for art lovers. Having never met a residential artist, I envisioned a protected enclosure at a fancy gallery. In my mind’s eye, I saw onlookers keeping a respectful distance from a famed creator publicly stroking his or her next masterpiece from a live model under perfect lighting. I imagined hushed voices with barriers guarded by handlers tasked with keeping ordinary folks far enough away to protect the emerging work from accidental bumps and mishaps; but also close enough to witness the wonder of live creation.

The resort, host to a business conference we were attending, was lavishly landscaped with architecturally striking buildings. Determined to capture a few photographs before heading to the next meeting, I rounded a blind corner. I’d hoped to discover an unobstructed vista or some desert blossoms. Instead, I found him. The artist in residence. Smack dab in the middle of the public walkway. Behind his easel. Having a joy ride in his paint box. With wet wild strokes and vibrant color, he was transforming the blank canvas into an unbelievable work. 

The “click click” of my camera from behind didn’t break his focus.  What ultimately drew his attention away from his art work was the bounding approach of two delightful little girls who were charging full steam down the pathway gleefully informing their mother, “look Mommy!  Look at that Mommy.”

"Wait girls. Wait, wait! Slow down. Don’t get too close. Don’t touch the pretty picture.” Understandably, Mom was in a bit of a panic as her girls barreled toward the precious work-in-progress.

Instead of moving to protect his creation from an encounter with little fingers, he turned toward the sound of giggles and broke into the most magnificently welcoming grin. His beaming face, now the art on display that day, communicated in no uncertain terms, “come as close as you please children.”

If I hadn’t snapped a picture of what happened next, I’d wonder now if it was just a figment of my own imagination. That residential artist looked squarely at those two little girls and asked them, “do you want to paint with me?”  When they nodded eagerly, he took a paintbrush, dipped it in the wet paint and placed it in the oldest girl’s hand.

Without hesitation, she added her stokes to his. She wasn’t worried about messing up. Not wrought with anxiety over doing it the wrong way. Not comparing her talent to his or her sister’s. Not over thinking the invitation. She simply jumped in and enjoyed painting with him on his masterpiece. It was astoundingly beautiful and instructive.

How often do we feel God’s invitation only to recoil in fear? Fear of screwing it up. His nudges come, and the visceral responses begin. “Oh, that sounds so wonderful, but me?” “I’m not good enough” we protest, forgetting yet again that He didn’t call us because we are good. He called us because He is good and He loves us. I felt the growth spurt right away and heard the sassy phrase of a friend who declared it often when heaven dropped an unexpected growth bomb -- here we grow again.

Frequently we behave as if we must be the “greatest” before we accept the Lord’s call to go where He intends to grow us. When the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who... is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He didn’t point to the most talented, or the most educated or the best rule follower. Instead, He called a little child to come to Him and placed the child in the middle of the group and said:

become like little children. Mat 18:3

With the humility of a child we enter God’s kingdom!

Our December Mobile Mission:

When we are truly growing, we find ourselves constantly between two statements: “Doing This” and “Did That.” It’s the first one that‘s hard for many of us, isn’t it? Hard because we need the humility of a child to know that if the Creator of the universe is knocking on our hearts, He knows exactly what He’s doing. 

Part 1: What is He nudging you toward? Reflect on His pulls in your life. Consider using the “DOING This” sheet as a place to record your commitment. When you are “Doing” something, you are committed. In the process of walking it out. Taking action. In 2022, to what can you say, “I’m Doing This” because God called me!

Part 2: We are on our on our 12th mission of 2021!  Each has been designed to help us grow in responsiveness -- responsiveness to God. Have you grown in responsiveness this year? He “Did That!” He grew you!  Consider using the “DID That” sheet to celebrate all that God has done in you in 2021.

Part 3: Do you know that you’ve been an important part of helping to make these missions possible in seven countries, 40 states and 228 cities?!?!  We are so very grateful. In the pre-addressed envelope, you’ll find some “Thank You’s” and a reminder to keep growing in responsiveness in 2022. Will you consider blessing us by returning the envelope with the HERE WE Grow Again sheet? It’s pretty important to us, cuz we are Doing This in 2022 and we’d love for you to grab your paintbrush and join us. 

To God be all the glory.

 Amen? Amen!

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